How to Make Vegan White Chocolate: 3 Simple Steps Guide

Do you love white chocolate but can’t find a vegan option at your local grocery store? Don’t worry, making your own vegan white chocolate at home is easier than you think! In this article, we will show you how to make vegan white chocolate with just a few simple ingredients.

To make vegan white chocolate, you will need cacao butter, cashew butter (or coconut butter), powdered sugar (or powdered Erythritol for a sugar-free option), rice milk powder, salt, and vanilla extract. The process involves melting the cacao butter in a double boiler, then mixing in the remaining ingredients until smooth. Pour the mixture into molds and freeze until set. It’s that easy!

By making your own vegan white chocolate, you can customize the sweetness and creaminess to your liking. Plus, you can feel good knowing exactly what ingredients are going into your chocolate. So, let’s get started on making delicious vegan white chocolate at home!

Understanding Veganism

Why Vegan Chocolate?

Veganism is a lifestyle that aims to exclude all forms of animal exploitation and cruelty. This includes not only food but also clothing, cosmetics, and other products. Vegan chocolate is made without any animal products, such as milk or butter, and is therefore a popular choice for vegans and those who are lactose intolerant. It is also a more ethical and environmentally friendly option, as the production of dairy products can have a negative impact on the environment and the animals involved.

Why Vegan Chocolate
Image Source: Wikipedia

Benefits of Vegan White Chocolate

There are many benefits to choosing vegan white chocolate over traditional white chocolate. Here are a few:

  • Healthier: Vegan white chocolate is often made with healthier ingredients, such as coconut oil or almond milk, which can provide additional health benefits.
  • Allergy-friendly: Vegan white chocolate is a great option for those who are lactose intolerant or have a dairy allergy.
  • Ethical: Vegan white chocolate is a more ethical choice, as it does not involve the exploitation of animals.
  • Environmentally friendly: The production of dairy products can have a negative impact on the environment, so choosing vegan white chocolate can help reduce your carbon footprint.

When making vegan white chocolate, it is important to choose high-quality ingredients to ensure the best flavor and texture. Experiment with different ingredients, such as coconut oil or almond milk, to find the perfect recipe for you.

Ingredients for Vegan White Chocolate

To make vegan white chocolate, you will need a few key ingredients. Here are the ingredients you will need along with some tips on how to choose the best ones:

Cocoa Butter

Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter is the main ingredient in white chocolate and gives it its smooth and creamy texture. Look for high-quality, food-grade cocoa butter that is unrefined and organic. You can find it at health food stores or online.

Powdered Sugar

Powdered sugar is used to sweeten the white chocolate. Make sure to choose a brand that is vegan-friendly and doesn’t contain any animal products, such as bone char. You can also make your own powdered sugar by blending regular granulated sugar in a blender until it becomes fine and powdery.

Soy Milk Powder

Soy milk powder is used to add a milky flavor to the white chocolate. Look for a brand that is unsweetened and non-GMO. You can also use other plant-based milk powders, such as coconut or rice milk powder.

Vanilla Extract

Vanilla extract is used to add flavor to the white chocolate. Choose a high-quality, pure vanilla extract that is free from any additives or artificial flavors.

In summary, to make vegan white chocolate, you will need cocoa butter, powdered sugar, soy milk powder, and vanilla extract. Make sure to choose high-quality, vegan-friendly ingredients for the best results.

Equipment Needed

To make vegan white chocolate, you will need a few essential pieces of equipment. Here are the items you will need to get started:

Double Boiler

Double Boiler

A double boiler is a kitchen tool that is used to melt chocolate without burning it. It consists of two pans, one that fits inside the other. The bottom pan is filled with water, and the top pan is where you will melt the chocolate. The water in the bottom pan heats up, and the steam from the water gently melts the chocolate in the top pan. This method ensures that the chocolate melts slowly and evenly, without burning or scorching.

If you don’t have a double boiler, you can make one by placing a heatproof bowl over a pot of simmering water. Just make sure the bowl doesn’t touch the water, or the chocolate could burn.

Silicone Chocolate Molds

Silicone Chocolate Molds

Silicone chocolate molds are an essential tool for making vegan white chocolate. They come in various shapes and sizes and can be used to create all sorts of chocolate treats. The advantage of using silicone molds is that they are flexible, making it easy to remove the chocolate once it has hardened. They are also easy to clean and can be used over and over again.

When choosing silicone molds, make sure they are food-grade and heat-resistant. You can find a variety of molds online or at your local kitchen supply store.

With these two essential pieces of equipment, you can start making your own vegan white chocolate at home.

How to Make Vegan White Chocolate: Step-by-Step Process

Making vegan white chocolate is a fun and easy process that you can do at home. Here are the steps to make your own delicious vegan white chocolate:

Melting the Cocoa Butter

The first step to making vegan white chocolate is to melt the cocoa butter. You can do this by placing the cocoa butter in a heat-resistant dish and then placing it over a saucepan of boiling water. Stir the cocoa butter until it is completely melted.

Mixing the Ingredients

Once the cocoa butter has melted, you can add the other ingredients to the dish. Add powdered sugar, cashew butter, rice milk powder, salt, and vanilla extract to the melted cocoa butter. Whisk the mixture until it becomes smooth and creamy.

Setting the Chocolate

After you have mixed the ingredients, it’s time to set the chocolate. Pour the mixture into molds or onto a lined baking tray. Place the tray in the refrigerator or freezer until the chocolate has hardened. Once the chocolate has hardened, you can remove it from the molds or tray and enjoy your homemade vegan white chocolate!

Making vegan white chocolate is a simple and rewarding process that you can easily do at home. By following these steps, you can make your own delicious vegan white chocolate that is perfect for snacking, baking, or gifting.

(Related: How To Make Vegan Milk Chocolate)

Storing Vegan White Chocolate

Congratulations, you’ve made your own batch of vegan white chocolate! Now, you need to know how to properly store it to ensure it stays fresh and delicious.

Room Temperature

If you plan on consuming your vegan white chocolate within a few days, storing it at room temperature is perfectly fine. Simply place it in an airtight container or wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.


If you want your vegan white chocolate to last a bit longer, you can store it in the refrigerator. Again, make sure it is in an airtight container or wrapped tightly in plastic wrap to prevent any moisture from getting in. It is important to note that refrigerating your vegan white chocolate can cause it to develop a white film, known as bloom. This is perfectly normal and does not affect the taste or quality of the chocolate.


If you want to store your vegan white chocolate for an extended period of time, you can freeze it. Wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and place it in an airtight container or freezer bag. When you are ready to consume it, allow it to thaw in the refrigerator for several hours before unwrapping it.

Shelf Life

The shelf life of your vegan white chocolate will depend on the ingredients you used and how it was stored. Generally, it can last up to a month at room temperature, up to three months in the refrigerator, and up to six months in the freezer.

Remember to always check the chocolate for any signs of spoilage before consuming it. If it has an off smell or taste, or if it appears moldy or discolored, it is best to discard it.

Now that you know how to properly store your vegan white chocolate, you can enjoy it whenever you want!

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

When making vegan white chocolate, there are a few common mistakes that can happen. Here are some tips to help you avoid them:

Mistake: Overheating the chocolate

When melting the cacao butter, it’s important to not overheat it. Overheating can result in a grainy texture and a burnt taste. To avoid this, use a heat-resistant dish and make sure that it’s not touching the water. This ensures that only the steam from the water heats your mixture, resulting in a gentle melt, and a smoother finished product.

Mistake: Adding too much liquid

Adding too much liquid to your white chocolate can cause it to seize up and become grainy. To avoid this, make sure to measure your ingredients carefully and follow the recipe closely. If you want a creamier texture, you can add a small amount of non-dairy milk or cream, but be careful not to add too much.

Mistake: Using low-quality ingredients

The quality of your ingredients can greatly affect the taste and texture of your vegan white chocolate. Use high-quality cacao butter and non-dairy milk or cream for the best results. Also, make sure to use a good quality vanilla extract for a rich and delicious flavor.

Mistake: Not tempering the chocolate

Tempering the chocolate helps to give it a smooth and glossy finish. To temper your vegan white chocolate, melt it over a double boiler, then cool it down to a specific temperature before reheating it slightly. This process helps to stabilize the chocolate and prevent it from getting too soft or melting too quickly.

Mistake: Storing the chocolate improperly

To keep your vegan white chocolate fresh and delicious, store it in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. Avoid storing it in the fridge or freezer, as this can cause it to develop condensation and become grainy. If your chocolate does become grainy, you can try reheating it gently to smooth it out.


Making vegan white chocolate at home is a fun and easy process that requires only a few ingredients. With the right recipe and tools, you can create a delicious and creamy treat that satisfies your sweet tooth without compromising your dietary preferences.

In this article, we have explored several methods for making vegan white chocolate, including using cashew butter, rice milk powder, and cocoa butter. We have also discussed the differences between white chocolate and other types of chocolate and why it can be challenging to find vegan-friendly options in stores.

By making your own vegan white chocolate, you have control over the ingredients and can customize the recipe to your liking. You can add different flavors, such as vanilla or peppermint, or mix in nuts or dried fruit for added texture and taste.

In conclusion, learning how to make vegan white chocolate is a valuable skill that allows you to enjoy a delicious treat while staying true to your dietary preferences. With a little practice, you can perfect your recipe and impress your friends and family with your culinary skills. So why not give it a try and indulge in some homemade vegan white chocolate today?

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